Read More“For me personally, I overcame all the issues that were affecting and stressing me and I am now better equipped and more knowledgeable. Also my family and friends have seen this.”
Read More“Bob is clearly a very approachable and warm character. I felt I could really open up. I also love how passionate he was about it, so I felt not only was he clearly very knowledgeable (a real expert) , I could tell he was energised to help people.”
Participant in ITV staff Health & Fitness workshop
Read More“I really enjoyed Bob's session. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.”
Another participant of ITV staff Health & Fitness workshop
Read More“I’d been plagued by foggy brain and forgetfulness for several months. After a few months of eating a whole-food diet of food that I cook - and practicing some breathing and mindfulness exercises each day - I feel happier and clear-minded. Thanks, Bob.”
Anna - 49
Read More“The weight is staying off!”
Clare - 52
Read More“I’ve had many courageous conversations during our sessions. The one about facing fear I’ll always remember.”
Carl - 44
Read More“When Bob talks to you about the non-foods that nourish you, listen. It will change you.”
Linda - 46
Read More“I wanted to lose weight, which I have, but more importantly after four months of working with Bob I’m learning how to deal with the bad habits and stress. Making better choices.”
Nicholas - 35